Saturday 19 July 2014

[9/7/14] first day, first task

We were required to draw a portrait of our friend and introduce his/her to the whole class. Soon after that, our lecturer asked us to draw a sketching of inside-out shoe by applying the techniques of shading for sketches. 
Portrait of my friend 
When we were asked to draw a portrait of our friend and introduce he/she to the entire class, my first expression was like "huh?". Anyway it was really an interesting way to get know to each other.

Shoe sketches inside-out
Before that, I had never try to imagine a shoe inside out. So this is most probably the most special task for my first day in design communication class. It's quite rushing to complete sketching a shoe within 30 minutes and I had done with this still-acceptable piece of art. LOL.

After the morning session, we were given by another task which was drawing straight lines without using ruler. The following are the series of freehand sketching straight lines.
Freehand drawing straight line (horizontal)

Freehand drawing straight line (vertical)

Freehand drawing spiral

Lines drawn from center

Lines drawn from out to in
Last but not least, the objective for this exercise was to train us to draw lines straight and consistently.  

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