Saturday 19 July 2014

[16/7/14] Learn from basic- Architectural lettering

Today, we were asked to draw an architecture lettering by using pencil at first and followed by using felt tip pens. Before starting with our drawing, we start out with drawing the title block and lines by using set squares and T-square. This is the first time and ever, I draw a straight line by using T-square. With the instructions by our lecturer, we pasted our A3 cartridge paper on the table by using masking tape so that we can draw straight lines accurately without changing the position of the paper by using T-square and set-square.   

The most challenging part in this exercise that I felt was measuring and drawing the straight lines for drawing letters. Despite of the measuring part, I'm very enjoy with the process of writing the architecture lettering. 

Architecture lettering-alphabets, numbers

On the afternoon session, we were needed to use the lettering that we had learnt to write a full pages of lyrics on a piece of A3 cartridge paper. Instead of using pencil as what we done in previous, felt tip pens were used.   
Lyrics wrote by using architecture lettering
Besides, the lyrics that I chosen for this second exercise was the counting stars by one republic.  

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