Sunday 2 November 2014

Visual Diary

Due to the busy schedule everyday, i actually rush to draw all these in few hours a night before the submission. LOL
Fortunately, the outcome of still satisfied me (although still have imperfections). If and only if I could have more time, I will definitely draw these better. ( I promised>.<)
architecture elements 
What is this? This is an ionic column. I've been gone through and draw this for so many times in my history visual journal.
architecture elements 
I choose to draw arches, as it can be function as an opening in building design.  

architecture ornaments
this...urghh..I not really know what's that and I just drew. LOL
architecture ornaments 
this is actually the statue on the roof of Japanese's temple, which believed can frighten away all the bad spirits.

Lastly, I'm gonna say thank you to my lecturers for the grades and comments given. I do appreciate all the comments given and it definitely do help me to make improvement.   

p/s: the images are a little bit distorted because they are all scanned by using phone's camera.

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